Tag: notes
〈28 Dec 2023〉
- Why are 20nt primers sufficiently unique in the human genome?
Combinatorics and Shannon Entropy
〈26 Dec 2023〉
- Eichmann in Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt
Arendt's disputes with the Israeli court
〈09 May 2023〉
- A note on fractional dilution
A neat counter intuitive result, and the resulting rabbit hole
〈23 Feb 2023〉
- Shadi Hamid's The Problem with Democracy
Notes, ideas and quotations from the book
〈16 Aug 2021〉
- Karl Deisseroth's 'Projections'
Notes, ideas and quotations from the book
〈29 May 2021〉
- Saba Mahmood's Religious difference in a Secular Age
Notes, ideas and quotations from the book